Ava DuVernay and Autumn Riley
Ava DuVernay was born on August 24, 1972, on the 24th of August 1972 in Long Beach California. When she was a young girl, DuVernay's aunt Denise inspired her love of artistic expression and creative thinking. Aunt Denise, who worked night shifts as a nurse, allowed her to pursue art literature and the theatre in daylight. DuVernay was a fan of the movie West Side Story, which she showed her. DuVernay realized after watching her mother's example the power of art as an activist vehicle. Similarly DuVernay's mother was conscious of her social status and influenced the importance of speaking up through the arts. DuVernay had her summers spent in Lowndes County Alabama, where DuVernay's father was born and raised. DuVernay's father remembered watching the Civil Rights movement's historic march through the Edmund Pettus Bridge, in the nearby town of Selma Alabama. The summers she spent in Alabama's Selma would be the inspiration for her later an animated film on Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. In the year 1990, DuVernay was a graduate of Saint Joseph High School in Lakewood California. She attended University of California Los Angeles to obtain degrees in English and African American Studies. As studying, DuVernay became interested in producing for broadcast journalism. She began as an intern with CBS News during the O.J. Simpson's trial. DuVernay was appointed to watch and search the home for a specific juror. She was disappointed by the journalism assignments she was assigned and chose to change to the public relations industry. DuVernay found a job immediately after college as a young publicist for a studio. She founded The DuVernay Agency, her PR firm, in 1999. The agency was the first to launch a variety of promotions and lifestyle channels which include Urban Beauty Collective and Urban Eye. Autumn Riley.............................Autumn Riley was born in Los Angeles United States. Autumn Riley has the birth star of. Her fame is due to her performances as Anna Payne in American Experience, (1987) A More Perfect Union and A More Perfect Union (2009). Autumn has played Rose in A More Perfect Union (2009) as well as Anna Payne, in American Experience (1987).

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